
American Academy of Pediatrics   

Georgia Chapter     



Welcome to the website of the Georgia AAP!

The Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is comprised of over 1700 members, including general pediatricians and pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists, all of whom are dedicated to caring for the infants, children and adolescents of Georgia.

We hope this website and the information it contains will be an important resource for you as a Pediatrician and for the patients and families you serve.

The Georgia Chapter is constantly engaged in a number of activities to help you in your practice and in your professional life. We invite you to become involved. If you are not a member, please join and help us become a stronger voice for Georgia’s children and Pediatricians.

Our fall CME conference, Pediatrics on the Perimeter, will be held at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta on October 10-12. This was an outstanding meeting which provided a rich learning experience for all attendees. The Georgia Nurses & Practice Managers meeting will be held, Friday, November 1 at the Cobb Energy Centre, Atlanta. We hope to see you at our upcoming events.

On February 13, 2014 we’ll hold our annual Legislative Day at the Capitol where we’ll meet our legislators and explore the issues in the state legislature that effect pediatrics and children in our state.

We look forward to your involvement with the Georgia Chapter. Please let us know how we can help you in the future.We all play a critical role in today’s healthcare system. The Georgia Chapter is committed to partnering with you to carry out that important role.


Robert Wiskind, MD