Please contact the Chapter’s Early Intervention Coordinator, Fozia Khan Eskew, at 404-881-5074 or via email at if you have any questions regarding the information on this webpage.

Developmental & Autism Screening


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) established screening recommendations for development and autism within its Bright Futures Periodicity Schedule in 2008.  Click here for the current version of the schedule.  As noted in the schedule, developmental surveillance is required at every well-child visit. In addition, the AAP also recommends developmental screening using a standardized developmental screening tool at the 9, 18, and 30-month well child visits.  Pediatricians are also encouraged to screen children for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) at the 18 and 24-month well child visits. Physicians should pay special attention to siblings of children with ASD as well. should also be screened with a standardized tool that evaluates social and communication skills.Physicians are asked to be especially vigilant with younger siblings of children with an ASD as they are 10 times more likely to develop symptoms of an ASD than children without a sibling with an ASD.


The Georgia Medicaid, Early, Periodic, Screening, Treatment & Diagnosis (EPSDT) program has followed the AAP’s Bright Futures Periodicity Schedule since the Fall of 2010.  Therefore, it mandates the documentation of use of a standardized developmental screening tool with a specificity and sensitivity of 70% – 80% at the 9, 18, and 30-month EPSDT visit or catch-up visits as well as screening for ASD at the 18 and 24 month visits.  Documented surveillance remains a component of ESPDT during other well-child visits using an office checklist that attends to any possible parental concerns about their child’s development.Specifically, evidence of the screening such as a note indicating the date on which the screening was performed; a copy of the completed standardized tool used; and documented evidence of a screening result or screening score is to be included in the child’s medical record.  Additionally, if there are finding that warrant follow-up assessment, therapeutic interventions used, referrals made, and treatments received, these should also be noted in the child’s medical record.

Standardized Developmental Screening Tools

Ages and Stages Questionnaires 3 (ASQ)The Ages & Stages Questionnaires 3 ® (ASQ) system screens infants and young children for developmental delays during the first 5 years of life. Parents complete a 30-item questionnaire which covers five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social.

Parents Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) is detects developmental and behavioral problems in children from birth to age eight by eliciting and weighing parents’ concerns on 10 items.

Child Development Review System– The Child Development Review approach obtains information from parents and helps professionals record their direct observations. It can be used for brief screenings to track “normal” development or for assessment when more detailed information is wanted or needed.

Autism Screening Tools

The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised, with Follow-Up™ (M-CHAT-R/F)™ IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD!!! The Modified Checklist for Infants and Toddlers (MCHAT) is a screening tool to detect the possibility of autism or autism spectrum disorders. We strongly recommend that users switch to the new version, also known as M-CHAT-R/F. The revised tool reduces the false positive rate and detects more ASD cases than the original M-CHAT when used during routine pediatric check-ups. The M-CHAT-R/F is valid for children 16-30 months old.


The following is a list of previously recorded webinars; please note CME is available to those who participated in the live airing of the webinar.

Latest Information on Screening for Developmental Milestones – offers an introduction to the importance of educating parents on developmental milestones, surveillance, and screening.

Utilizing Tools in Developmental & Autism Screening: A Pediatrician’s Guide – Reviews a developmental screening tool and an autism screening tool in the pediatric setting

Developmental & Autism Screening:  Referral and Commnity Resources – Provides an overview of early intervention services in Georgia and discusses resources for parent/family support.

Autism Case Training (ACT) – FREE introductory course designed to help primary health care providers gain knowledge and skills to improve early identification of children with ASD and ensure timely and appropriate care.The three modules in this course will help you better:

  • identify autism spectrum disorder,
  • assist a family through the diagnostic process,
  • and care for patients with autism spectrum disorder.


The AAP Autism Tool Kit – This clinical resource toolkit includes screening tools and care management tools to assist in the recognition, evaluation, and ongoing management of autism spectrum disorders.


Babies Can’t Wait (BCW)

BCW is Georgia’s statewide interagency service delivery system for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities and their families. BCW is established by Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which guarantees all eligible children, regardless of their disability, access to services that will enhance their development.  Babies Can’t Wait is administered through 18 District offices throughout the state. Through the 18 offices, children and families in every county in Georgia can access early intervention services. Anyone can refer a child to Babies Can’t Wait; use the Children 1st Screening and Referral form to refer families to the Children 1st Coordinator for the county in which the child resides.

CDC Learn the Signs. Act Early – CDC’s“Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program aims to improve early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities so children and families can get the services and support they need