
A note from the Breastfeeding Committee Co-Chairs

Greetings, pediatric colleagues.  The Georgia Chapter Breastfeeding Committee, formed in 2020, is carrying on the robust work of the EPIC® Breastfeeding Education Program and adding to it several other important breastfeeding initiatives.  Our committee has over 25 pediatrician and neonatologist members and is staffed by Claire Eden, IBCLC and Summer Gilmer-Hughes.  Read on for more information and links to resources to aid your work in supporting the breastfeeding goals of the families you work with.


– Hiral Lavania, MD, IBCLC, FAAP and Chair of the EPIC® Advisory Committee

– Brandy Gheesling, MD, IBCLC, FAAP, NABBLM-C and Chair of the Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatrician Advisory Committee


 EPIC® Breastfeeding Education Series

Since 2007, the Georgia Chapter AAP has partnered with the Georgia Department of Public Health to equip Georgia Physicians and their staff with the education and resources they need to support optimal breastfeeding and to support families in reaching their lactation goals. The Educating Physicians and Practices in their Communities (EPIC®) Program provides free, peer-to-peer education on clinical lactation topics of interest to physicians in Georgia and those healthcare providers working with them to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding.

Click here to visit our website!

Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatrician

Certification Program

In partnership with the Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition, we are now offering the Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatrician Certification Program! Research shows that medical training is deficient in preparing physicians to develop the knowledge base, clinical management skills, and attitudes to provide optimal support for breastfeeding families. Based on the AAP Clinical Report: The Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatric Office Practice, we invite outpatient pediatricians in Georgia to learn more about breastfeeding, develop their clinical skills, and document their practice to become certified and recognized as Breastfeeding-Friendly.

Read our FAQ form here. If you are a pediatrician in Georgia practicing outpatient pediatrics, please complete an interest form here to get started. Follow us on Facebook here and Instagram here to learn more about the program and our candidates and to meet your local Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatricians.

We look forward to helping you become a more breastfeeding-friendly pediatrician and to gain recognition for it!

©2021 American Academy of Pediatrics, Georgia Chapter

All Rights Reserved


Newly Certified Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatricians:

Lisa Leggio, MD

Susan McWhirter, MD, FAAP

Adele Goodloe, MD, FAAP

Shreeti Kapoor, MD, FAAP

Our certified pediatricians:

(top row) Sylvia Washington, MD, Hiral Lavania, MD, IBCLC, Rebecca Kolesky, MD, Monica Moore, MD, and Kathryn K. Cheek, MD, FAAP

(bottom row) Donna Yeiser, MD, Daphne Esho, MD, Alicia Daniels Dyer, MD, FAAP, Erica Paez, MD, FAAP, and Brandy Gheesling, MD, FAAP, IBCLC

Learn more about our first cohort of Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatricians through our press release.

Disclaimer:  The contents of this resource are for general informational purposes only.  While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, the information is provided “as is” and no representations are made that the content is error-free.  The information is not intended to constitute legal advice or replace the advice of a paid qualified professional practice management consultant or attorney.

Contact the Chapter Breastfeeding Committee