Newest “Play It Safe, Georgia” Injury Prevention Resources
Snake Bite Prevention
The newest injury prevention toolkit release from the Chapter’s Committee on Injury, Violence, Poisoning Prevention (CoIVPP) offers clinicians and caregivers resources in discussing snake bite prevention. This newest flyer from “Play It Safe, Georgia!” Injury Prevention Campaign, offers concrete conversation starters and discussion points to help bring the topic of snake bites front and center in your patient visit encounters.
Click here to view this new release along with our other previously released injury prevention flyers from the Chapter’s COIVPP. A flyer on Safe Sleep will be released soon.
We hope Chapter members will find these resources helpful in offering anticipatory guidance around safety and injury prevention to your patients and their families. If you have any questions, would like to suggest a topic to be spotlighted, or want to join our dynamic group of Committee members, please contact Sofia Chaudhary, MD, Chair of COIVPP, or Fozia Khan Eskew at the Chapter office at
We can all do our part to help Georgia children, their parents, and caregivers “Play It Safe, Georgia!” and lower our state’s number of preventable childhood injuries.